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- Christmas Card Printing - Printing Services - Greeting Card Printing Hong Kong
Christmas Card Printing - Printing Services - Greeting Card Printing Hong Kong - email at or via WhatsApp +852 5542 1166. ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ikhadi lebhizinisi ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ikhadi lebhizinisi ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ikhadi lebhizinisi ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ikhadi lebhizinisi ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ikhadi lebhizinisi ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ikhadi lebhizinisi ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ikhadi lebhizinisi ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ikhadi lebhizinisi ukuphrinta izifanekiso zekhadi lebhizinisi ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ukuphrinta ikhadi izifanekiso zekhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ikhadi lebhizinisi ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi ikhadi lebhizinisi izifanekiso printing AMAKHADI KAKHISIMUSI NGESIKHATHI Bonisa ukubonga kwakho ngomlayezo omuhle weholide. Sisekela abantu abahlakaniphile, izingane nabaklami ukuze baqedele imiklamo yokukhiqiza ukuphrinta. Sicela usithinte nge-imeyili ku info@ phrinta c a r d s noma nge-WhatsApp +852 5542 1166 lapho udinga insizakalo yethu yokuklama Ikhadi likaKhisimusi yenkampani eku-inthanethi noma amakhadi eholide ophawu lomuntu siqu. Uma unefayela lokuklama ngokwezifiso, sicela uthumele ifayela lokuklama futhi usazise inani lentengo yentengo. Isibonelo Usayizi Wekhadi 157 x 157 mm Usayizi Wemvilophu 159 x 159 mm Amakhadi Ayisicaba 300-350 gsm FSC iphepha leprimiyamu Amakhadi Agoqiwe 250 - 300 gsm FSC iphepha leprimiyamu Imiyalezo ephrintwe ohlangothini olungemuva / ngaphakathi page. Gum seal imvilophu enemibala engenalutho sizes 159 x 159 mm - 6.25 x 6.25" 170 x 170 mm - 6.7 x 6.7" 89 x 140 mm - 3 1/2 x 5 1/2" 108 x 158 mm - 4 1/4 x 6.1/4" 120 x 172 mm - 4 3/4 x 6 3/4" 133 x 184 mm - 5 1/4 x 7 1/4" 155 x 216 mm - 6 1/8 x 8 1/2" 160 x 227 mm - 6 3/8 x 9" 110 x 220 mm - DL Izinketho : Ikheli Chop 22 x 60 mm Ukuphrinta Ikheli Lesitika Amakhadi Eholide Ebhizinisi Aphambili I-Foil, Iphakanyisiwe Ink, Debossed, Embossed
- Direct Mailing | Printing Services | Hong Kong
direct mailing services, magazine printing, booklet printing, brochure printing, leftlet printing, sticker printing, business card printing, name card printing, menu printing, print ad design, business card design, bookmark printing, catalogue printing, letterhead printing, stationery printing, offset printing, digitial printing, usa printing, print shop, printing services, label printing, tag printing, banner printing, poster printing. premium business cards, pantone, thank you card printing DIRECT MAIL PRINTING (Offset/Digital) Sabalalisa izinto zokumaketha egameni lezinkampani kuzethameli eziqondiwe lapho ukhetha ukuphrinta kanye nezinsizakalo zethu zokuposa ngqo. Ukuhlanganisa Imeyili Iklayenti Nikeza Idatha - Amakheli okuposa Ukuphrinta Ukwenza kube ngokwakho Isitolo sezincwadi Iyafaka Ukulebula Ukugoqa Ukubeka uphawu Ukuhlelwa kwamameyili Ukulethwa eposini Kungani Khetha Imeyili Eqondile? Thumela i-imeyili kuhlu oluhlosiwe lwamakhasimende Yonga isikhathi! Sikukheli futhi sikuthumelele i-imeyili Yonga ngemali yokuposa Imakethe kumakhasimende asendaweni kanye/noma aphesheya kwezilwandle Sicela uthumele amafayela akho okuklama futhi unikeze imininingwane eyengeziwe njengezinombolo ezahlukene zamakheli nezindawo nge-imeyili kokuthi info@ phrinta c a r d s noma nge WhatsApp ngokwesilinganiso. Ngiyabonga. Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing Direct Mail Printing ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha imeyili eqondile ukumaketha ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha kwe-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha okuqondile kwe-mail ukumaketha okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha nge-imeyili okuqondile ukumaketha imeyili okuqondile ngqo mai l ukumaketha imeyili eqondile marketing thumela i-imeyili ngqo ukuthumela i-imeyili ngqo ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuthumela okuqondile ukuthunyelwa kwe-imeyili okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa ukuposa okuqondile ukuthumela okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuthumela okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile ukuposa okuqondile iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya printing iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta i-ting flyer ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta iflaya ukuphrinta
- Table Tent Cards | Design Printing Services
Table tent card design printing - UKUphrinta IKHADI LESITHOMBE NGOKWENZE Ukuphrinta Kwezithombe Ngokwezifiso + Uhlaka Lwesithombe Olunemiphetho Enhle Yesiliva / Igolide kungaba isipho esihle kobathandayo ngezikhathi ezikhethekile. Usayizi Wangokwezifiso Iphepha elinophawu lwe-300/350 gsm FSC Ukulethwa kweHong Kong Izindlela Zokukhokha Sicela uthumele isithombe kanye negama lomamukeli, ucingo. inombolo nekheli lokulethwa nge-imeyili kokuthi info@ phrinta c a r d s noma nge WhatsApp uma ungathanda uku-oda. Ngiyabonga.
- Paint Colored Edge Business Cards
An add-on feature where ink is applied to the edge of your cards, painted edge business cards to highlight your brand color. Please visit | | whatsapp +852 5542 1166 AMAKHADI EBHIZINISI ANEMALI EDGE Engeza i-Edge Finish yangokwezifiso emakhadini akho ebhizinisi ukuze uqedele ubuwena bomkhiqizo ngezici zokuphrinta - Kulula njengokufanisa nemibala yomkhiqizo wakho. Ungathola isiphetho esiphelele. Khetha noma yimuphi umbala we-Pantone U, umbala we-Fluorescent noma ireferensi yombala kumklamo wakho. Yenza okuvelayo kokuqala okumangalisayo kunoma iyiphi i-engeli ngamakhadi ebhizinisi apendiwe. Engeza ubuntu obengeziwe kumkhiqizo wakho ngokuphrinta kwekhadi lebhizinisi elipendiwe. Imibala egqamile njalo yengeza esinye isendlalelo sentshisekelo kunoma yini. Bamba ukunaka kwawo wonke umuntu futhi ubahlabe umxhwele uma ukhetha amakhadi ebhizinisi anemibala. Inqubo ye-Coloured Edge ihilela ukufaka oyinki emaphethelweni asemaceleni esitokweni samakhadi, ukuba nopende onqenqemeni ngemibala ehlukile kuzosiza amakhadi akho ahluke kuzo zonke ezinye. Amasheya ahlukahlukene we-FSC angafakwanga amaphepha 300 gsm - 900 gsm + amakhadi amaphepha MOQ 500 amakhadi Izinsuku zokusebenza eziyi-14-16 (ngemuva kokuqinisekiswa kokukhokha kanye nomsebenzi wobuciko). Isikhathi sincike enkingeni yokukhiqizwa kwamakhadi. Sicela uthumele amafayela akho okuklama ngefomethi ye-ai nge-imeyili kokuthi info@ phrinta c a r d s noma nge WhatsApp ku cela isaphulelo senani . Ngiyabonga.
- QR Code Generator | Create Your QR Codes | Digital Chops
Email - | WhatsApp +852 5542 1166 I-DIGITIAL CHOPS Ungasayina izinkontileka kukhompyutha nge-e-chop, ungafaka kumadokhumenti e-pdf. Sakha izimo ezihlukene futhi sinikeze izinketho zombala. Noma yimuphi umbala Noma yimuphi umumo Izitembu Zenkampani Yangaphambili Ye-Ink - chofoza lapha Sicela uthumele ilogo kanye/noma igama lenkampani nge-imeyili kokuthi info@ phrinta c a r d s noma nge-WhatsApp ukuze sikwazi ukudala. Izindlela Zokukhokha - Chofoza lapha pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre- Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5c de-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre- Isitembu esifakwe u-inked pre-Inked stamp pr e-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre- Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp
- Premium Black Business Cards - Business Card Printing - Thick Buiness Cards
PrintCards : black business cards, color foil business card, premium business card printing, luxury business cards, UV spot business cards, thick business cards, pantone color business cards, name cards, visiting cards, cartes de visite, calling cards, corporate design and stationery. AMAKHADI EBHIZINISI ELIMNYAMA Umbala omnyama ungumbala ongaphumi esitayeleni. Hlala ubalulekile ngokukhetha amakhadi ethu ebhizinisi amnyama akudala nasezingeni eliphezulu. Yenziwe ngekhadi lephepha elingu-300 / 350 gsm FSC elinophawu lwe-600 gsm thick duplex elingahlanganisiwe lekhadi lephepha, le nketho iqinisekile ukwenza isitatimende esinesibindi mayelana nebhizinisi lakho. Umbala omnyama ocebile we paper unguseyili omuhle kakhulu wokugxivizwa kwe-foil, uyinki omhlophe, uyinki wensimbi, i-thermography, i-emboss, i-deboss, unqenqema olupendiwe kanye nonqenqema olufoshiwe. ISIKHATHI SOKUJIKA 12 - 16 izinsuku zebhizinisi ngemva artwork approval Sicela ukhululeke ukuxhumana nathikwe info@ phrinta c a r d s noma nge WhatsApp nganoma yimiphi imibuzo ongase ube nayo.
- Custom Bookmark Printing - Offset & Digital Printing - Business Card Printing
Bookmarks are perfect for establishing brand retention since these are both functional and useful at the same time. Increase your audience with custom bookmark printing. UKUPRINTA IZINCWADI Ukuphrinta kwezincwadi ze-Offset & Digital kwenza ababhali nabashicileli bakwazi ukukhiqiza izincwadi. Ukuphrinta izincwadi kungaba inqubo eyinkimbinkimbi, ikakhulukazi kubabhali abazishicilelayo. Yingakho abantu ngabanye nabashicileli abangochwepheshe bekhethaPhrinta C a r d s , ukuze uthole imiphumela engcono kakhulu endaweni yemakethe yokuncintisana. Ukubopha Ukubopha Ukubopha Okuphelele Intambo-O I-Hard-Case Bound Ukubophezela Incwadi Yebhodi Iphepha Elinophawu lwe-FSC Usayizi Wangokwezifiso Ngamanani amancane amasampula / ukumaketha Njengendlela ethengekayo yokuzishicilela ngokwakho Ukwenza izincwadi ezikhona zitholakale ezingadingi ukuphrinta okukhulu. Inqubo ye-offset noma inqubo yedijithali is etholakalayo Sicela ukhululeke ukuxhumana nathikokuthi info@ phrinta c a r d s noma nge WhatsApp nganoma yimiphi imibuzo ongase ube nayo. bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong bookmark printing hong kong
- Business Card Templates | Printing Services | Business Card Printing
PRINTCARDS : Business Card Printing, Express Business Card Printing, Business Card Template Lapho udinga Ukuphrinta Ikhadi Lebhizinisi Le-Express kodwa awunaso isakhiwo, ungakhetha isifanekiso esisodwa. Sisiza ukungeza imininingwane yakho yokukhiqiza ukuphrinta. Sicela uthumele igama lakho, isihloko, imininingwane yokuxhumana nefayela lakho lelogo noma ngaphandle kwalo nge-imeyili kokuthi info@ phrinta c a r d s noma nge-WhatsApp +852 5542 1166. Amasevisi okuklama ngokwezifiso iyatholakala. Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 1 - Ngaphambili Uhlangothi olulodwa noma izinhlangothi ezimbili Ilogo yakho ingangezwa 3.5 x 2 amayintshi isibonelo - isithombe Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 - khokha ku-inthanethi info@ phrinta c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 1 - Emuva Ilogo ingengezwa 3.5 x 2 amayintshi Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 2 Imibala ingashintshwa Ilogo ingangezwa 85 x 55 mm Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 - khokha ku-inthanethi info@ phrinta c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 3 - Ngaphambili Umbala wangemuva ungashintshwa Ilogo ingengezwa 3.5 x 2 amayintshi isibonelo - isithombe Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 - khokha ku-inthanethi info@ phrinta c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 3 - Emuva Umbala ungashintshwa Ilogo ingengezwa Igama lakho, isihloko, kanye nolwazi lokuxhumana 3.5 x 2 amayintshi Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 4 Umbala ungashintshwa Ilogo ingengezwa Igama lakho, isihloko, kanye nolwazi lokuxhumana 3.5 x 2 amayintshi Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 - khokha ku-inthanethi info@ phrinta c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Isifanekiso Sangaphambili Sekhadi Lebhizinisi Lebhizinisi 5 Umbala ungashintshwa Ilogo ingengezwa Ikheli Lendlunkulu lingengezwa 90 x 50 mm Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 - khokha ku-inthanethi info@ phrinta c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Isifanekiso Emuva Sekhadi Lebhizinisi Lebhizinisi 5 Umbala ungashintshwa Ilogo ingengezwa Ikheli Lesifunda lingengezwa Igama lakho, isihloko, kanye nolwazi lokuxhumana 90 x 50 mm Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 6 - Ngaphambili Umbala wangemuva ungashintshwa Ilogo ingengezwa 90 x 54 mm isibonelo - isithombe Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 - khokha ku-inthanethi info@ phrinta c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Ikhadi Lebhizinisi Isifanekiso 6 - Emuva Umbala ungashintshwa Igama lakho, isihloko, kanye nolwazi lokuxhumana 90 x 54 mm Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 7 - Ngaphambili Umbala wangemuva ungashintshwa Ilogo ingengezwa 85 x 55 mm isibonelo - isithombe Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 - khokha ku-inthanethi info@ phrinta c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 7 - Emuva Umbala ungashintshwa Igama lakho, isihloko, kanye nolwazi lokuxhumana 85 x 55 mm Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 8 Ilogo ingengezwa 91 x 55 mm Usayizi Wekhadi Lebhizinisi LaseJapan Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 - khokha ku-inthanethi info@ phrinta c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 9 Ilogo nombala wombhalo ungangezwa 3.5 x 2 amayintshi Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 - khokha ku-inthanethi info@ phrinta c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 10 Ikhodi ye-QR ingangezwa Umbala ungashintshwa Isithonjana semidiya yezokuxhumana singangezwa 85 x 55 mm Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 - khokha ku-inthanethi info@ phrinta c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 11 Umbala ungashintshwa Ilogo/QR ingangezwa 90 x 54 mm Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 - khokha ku-inthanethi info@ phrinta c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Isifanekiso Sekhadi Lebhizinisi 12 IsiNgisi / isiShayina / isiJapane / isiKorea I-logo ingangezwa ezinhlangothini ezingashadile / ezikabili 3.5 x 2 ama-intshi Amakhadi ayi-100 / HKD 330 - khokha ku-inthanethi info@ phrinta c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi le-hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi laseHong kong Express ukuphrinta ikhadi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi laseHong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi le-hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi lase-hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi lase-Hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi lase-Hong kong Express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi lase-Hong kong Express ukuphrinta ikhadi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi laseHong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi le-hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi lase-hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi lase-hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi lase-hong kong ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi le-hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi lase-Hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi le-hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi lase-hong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi h ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi lase-ong kong express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi lase-Hong kong Express ukuphrinta ikhadi lebhizinisi lase-hong kong Business Card Template 12 - Back Color can be changed Social Media Icon can be added 85 x 55 mm 350 gsm FSC branded paper 100 cards / HKD 330 - pay online info@ print c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Business Card Template 13 Color can be changed Logo can be added 3.5 x 2 inches 350 gsm FSC branded paper 100 cards / HKD 330 - pay online info@ print c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Business Card Template 14 - Front Color can be changed Logo can be added 90 x 55 mm 350 gsm FSC branded paper 100 cards / HKD 330 - pay online info@ print c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Business Card Template 14 - Back Color can be changed Your name, title, and contact information 90 x 55 mm 350 gsm FSC branded paper 100 cards / HKD 330 - pay online info@ print c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Business Card Template 15 - Front Color can be changed Your Initials 54 x 85 mm 350 gsm FSC branded paper example - a photo 100 cards / HKD 330 - pay online info@ print c a r d s +852 5542 1166 (WhatsApp) Business Card Template 15 - 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Sicela usazise inani, khetha uhlobo lwephepha futhi unikeze ikheli lakho lokulethwa lapho uthumela amafayela akho e-PDF noma e-AI anamafayela efontii-imeyili ku info@ phrinta c a r d s nomalayisha amafayela okwekhotheshini. Khetha Izifanekiso Zekhadi Lebhizinisi Lethu Lamahhala - Chofoza lapha Imihlahlandlela Yobuciko Isevisi yeHotline yamahora angu-24 Sicela usithinte ngokusebenzisaWhatsApp +852 55421166 or send amafayela akho ngokuqondile nge info@ phrinta c a r d s negama lehhotela, ikheli lehhotela, igama lesivakashi (ukubhuka kwehhotela ngaphansi kwegama) ukuze kuthunyelwe okuphuthumayo e-Hong Kong. Singaphrinta futhi sikulethe amakhadi emahhotela noma ekhelini lakho emhlabeni jikelele. Uma uhlala ehhotela elingaphandle kwase-Hong Kong, isikhathi sokulethwa kufanele silandelwe futhi sinikezwe izithunywa zomhlaba jikelele. Hong Kong | Ukulethwa okuphuthumayo : Izindleko ezengeziwe zezinsizakalo zokulethwa kwezithuthuthu - i-imeyili ukuze u-ode Ukulethwa Kwaphesheya kwezilwandle : Izindleko Zokulethwa Kwamazwe Ngamazwe - Ukulethwa Komhlaba Wonke nge-Speed Post / FedEx - i-imeyili ukuze u-ode Khokha nge I-PayPal | PayMe Inkokhelo Yekhadi Lesikweletu Ku-inthanethi - chofoza khokha ku-inthanethi eduze kwamanani noma ucele i-e-invoyisi. Izindlela Zokukhokha - Chofoza lapha I-Hong Kong & Ukulethwa Kwamazwe Ngamazwe - Chofoza lapha NgoMgqibelo ntambama, ngamaSonto namaholide omphakathi : HK Amaholide Avamile ka-2022 | Isimo Sezulu Sendawo Abahambi Bebhizinisi Nezivakashi Zamahhotela | Ukubhukha Ihhotela Ifomethi yefayela : Imodi Yombala Wedokhumenti: CMYK Isilinganiso sosayizi wefayela eliphrintiwe kufanele sibe ngu-1:1. Lonke uhlobo lokubhala ngaphakathi kwamafayela kufanele lube ngohlaka oluya endleleni. Ukulungiswa kwezithombe kumele kube ngu-300dpi. Kudingeka ukopha okungu-3 mm emsebenzini wobuciko. Sicela uthumele umbhalo ngaphakathi komngcele ngaphezu kuka-3mm ukuze ugweme ukusika umbhalo. Izinhlobo zamafayela amukelwayo: AI, PDF, Indd, Psd, Tiff, JPEG & PNG (300 dpi), EPS Amanothi : Zonke izintengo zamakhadi okuphrinta zisekelwe kusayizi ojwayelekile wamazwe phakathi kuka-85 x 55 mm / 3.5 x 2" / 90 x 54 mm / 54 mm x 54 mm / 90 x 55 mm / 91 x 55 mm / 90 x 50 mm / 85 x 48 mm / usayizi phakathi kuka-91 x 51. Singaphrinta amakhadi ayizikwele 55 x 55 mm. Usayizi wokunquma wamakhadi uzoba nokubekezelela okungu-0.5mm - 1mm ngenxa yendlela yesilungisi kanye nokuhlanekezelwa kwephepha lokushisisa kusuka kuphrinta yedijithali. Ukuphrinta kwedijithali izinhlangothi zombili okungenzeka zibe nomehluko wendawo ephrintiwe ongu-0.5-1 mm phakathi kwezinhlangothi zangaphambili nezingemuva. Isikhathi sokuhola sokukhiqiza : cishe amahora angu-2-8 ngemva kwamafayela omsebenzi wobuciko kanye nenkokhelo eqinisekisiwe. Express igama lokuphrinta ikhadi cishe amahora angu-2. Ukwakheka kwesithombe kokuthi Ukuphrinta Kwedijithali kwenziwa nge-Toner, ngakho-ke kungase kube nombala ongu-10 % - 15 % ohlukile phakathi kwezindaba eziphrintiwe eziphindaphindiwe. Ifayela le-PSD liyi-Adobe Photoshop Documents. Isekelwe ku-raster futhi usayizi wefayela unomkhawulo. Uma usondeza, uzokwazi ukubona igridi ye-pixel esetshenziswe ukuyidala futhi uma ishintshwa usayizi; ilahlekelwa idatha kanye nekhwalithi. Kungenzeka ukuhlela ifayela le-vector ngaphakathi kwedokhumenti ye-PSD, kodwa lokhu kunqunyelwe. Ifayela le-AI lingamafayela evektha ye-Adobe Illustrator futhi ayakala futhi ayahleleka ngaphandle kokucindezelwa noma ukulahlekelwa ikhwalithi. Nakuba izakhi ze-raster zingafakwa efayeleni le-AI, ifomethi ye-vector ivumela ukulawula okwengeziwe nokusebenzisa izinto ezihlukahlukene. Ku-Adobe Illustrator, singavula ifayela lemifanekiso elisekelwe ku-raster, kodwa njengesithombe esishumekiwe esingakwazi ukuhlelwa.
- The Difference Between Spot UV & Thermography
PrintCards : rasied ink, uv spot, digital printing, corporate printing, premium business card printing, luxury business cards, express business cards, thick business cards, pantone color business cards, name cards, visiting cards, cartes de visite, calling cards, corporate design and stationery. UMEHLUKO PHAKATHI KWE-SPOT UV & THERMOGRAPHY Iyini i-Spot UV ? I-Spot UV icwebezela, i-lamination ekhanyelayo elala phansi ezingxenyeni ezikhethiwe zombhalo noma umklamo wakho. I-Spot UV idalwe ngokufaka i-coating ecwebezelayo ecacile. Sisebenzisa isibani se-UV ukomisa i-Spot UV khona manjalo. Ayikho i-Spot UV ephakanyisiwe. Qhubeka nokufunda ngoba ungase ufune u-Ink Ophakanyisiwe. I-Spot UV iyakwazi ukubekwa ezinhlangothini zombili zekhadi. I-Thermography kanye ne-Spot UV zombili izinto ezibonakalayo. Azilethi umbala kumklamo noma umbhalo wakho. Nokho, singaphrinta idizayini/umbhalo wakho omibalabala ngoyinki nge-Thermography noma i-Spot UV ebekwe phezu komklamo/umbhalo omibalabala. Ukukhanya kwakho kokubili kwe-Spot UV kanye ne-Thermography kuzovumela umbala ophrintiwe ukuthi ukhanye. Iyini I-Thermography ( Uyinki Ophakanyisiwe )? I-Thermography (I-Ink Ephakanyisiwe) yinto ephakanyisiwe ekhanyayo ecwebezelayo ebekwe phezu kwezingxenye ezikhethiwe zombhalo noma umklamo. U-Ink Ophakanyisiwe ubonakala ngokucacile futhi uzwe. Uyinki Ophakanyisiwe udalwa ngokubeka impushana ezingxenyeni eziqokiwe zomklamo nombhalo. Ikhadi elinempushana libe selidlula ku-heater okubangela ukuthi u-Ink Ophakanyisiwe uguquke ube yijeli esobala, ecwebezelayo, ephakanyisiwe ukuze u-Ink Ophakanyisiwe uphakanyiswe. Uyinki Ophakanyisiwe ungenziwa kuphela ohlangothini olulodwa lwekhadi. I-Raised Ink iyatholakala ezikhethweni eziningi zephepha ngaphandle kwazo zonke izitokwe zamaphepha ezinamekiwe. Sicela ukhululeke ukuxhumana nathikwe info@ phrinta c a r d s noma nge WhatsApp nganoma yimiphi imibuzo ongase ube nayo. I-UV I-Thermography Ephakeme I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography I-UV Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink I-UV Thermography I-UV I-Thermography I-UV I-Thermography I-UV I-Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink Ibala I-UV Thermography I-UV I-Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography Ikhulisiwe I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography Iphakanyisiwe I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography I-UV I-UV I-UV I-Thermography Ephakeme I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography I-UV Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink I-UV Thermography I-UV I-Thermography I-UV I-Thermography I-UV I-Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink Ibala I-UV Thermography I-UV I-Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography Ikhulisiwe I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography Iphakanyisiwe I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography I-UV I-UV I-UV I-Thermography Ephakeme I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography I-UV Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink I-UV Thermography I-UV I-Thermography I-UV I-Thermography I-UV I-Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink Ibala I-UV Thermography I-UV I-Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography Ikhulisiwe I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography Iphakanyisiwe I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography I-UV I-UV Ukuphakama kwe-Ink Spot UV Thermography Kuphakanyiswe I I-nk Spot I-UV Thermography I-UV Thermography I-UV Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography I-UV I-Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink Ibala I-UV Thermography I-UV I-Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink Spot I-UV Thermography Ephakanyisiwe I-Ink Spot UV Thermography_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad_558
- Custom Pre-Inked Stamps | 預先上墨的印章 | 原子印 |
PRINTCARDS, Pre-inked stamps are a must-have for office administration. Common applications are logo stamps, company stamps, address stamps, personal name stamps, shipping and receiving stamps, and more ! 預先上墨的原子印章是辦公室行政必備用品,常見的應用為徽標印章、公司印章、地址印章、人名印章及收發貨印章等等。 IZITEMBU ZO-INK WAPHAMBILI Amasevisi okwenza izitembu zikayinki wangaphambili akusiza ukuthi udizayine i-chop yenkampani yakho ngezitayela ezahlukene, osayizi, nezinketho zemibala. Inombolo yento. / Inani / Isimo / Usayizi A1 HKD 110 _cc781905-5cde-3194-5136dbad_bb3 Ububanzi bendilinga 15 mm A2 HKD 115 Ububanzi Bombuthano 21 mm A3 HKD 120 Ububanzi bendilinga 33 mm A4 HKD 132 Ububanzi bendilinga 38 mm B1 HKD 108 Isikwele 12 x 12 mm B2 HKD 115 Isikwele 15 x 15 mm B3 HKD 120 Isikwele 22 x 22 mm C1 HKD 132 OV Umumo 31 x 43 mm C2 HKD 132 I-Lacework Shape 24 x 53 mm C3 HKD 132 Hlola Ukusika 23 x 58 mm C4 HKD 132 Ikheli Chop 22 x 60 mm C5 HKD 132 Irisidi Chop 38 x 51 mm Ukulethwa kwe-Hong Kong - HKD 30 Ukulethwa Kwembulunga yonke Okubomvu, Umbala Oluhlaza Obuhlaza Osasibhakabhaka Onqunyelwe ngaphambili Isikhathi sokuhola sokukhiqiza izinsuku ezingu-2-3 zokusebenza Ama-chops kayinki angaphambili, Amnyama, Ombala Oluhlaza Isikhathi sokuhola sokukhiqiza izinsuku ezingu-3-4 zokusebenza * Wonke ama-chop kayinki wangaphambili angefomethi evamile. Ikhasimende lingahlinzeka ngelogo kanye/noma umongo. Ngomklamo okhethekile wesitembu, amakhasimende angahlinzeka ngamafayela omsebenzi wobuciko noma acele izinsizakalo zethu zokuklama. * Imigqa ye-pre-inki chop ngokuvamile yenziwa nge-color density (I-Graphic ne-Netting twine ayikwazi ukusetshenziswa). * Isikhathi sokuvala: Mon-Fri 5:00 pm Certified True Copy Stamp 51 x 38 mm HKD 152 Black, Green, Red, Purple Blue Color pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre- Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5c de-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre- Isitembu esifakwe u-inked pre-Inked stamp pr e-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre- Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_pre-Inked stamp pre-Inked stamp custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong custom pre-inked stamps hong kong
- Promotional Banners & Flags - Printing Services
Maximize visibility and draw attention to your business with our high-quality promotional banners and flags. Our banners and flags are designed to capture attention and communicate your message effectively. Whether you need bold, eye-catching designs for high-traffic areas or sleek, professional banners for indoor events, we ensure your brand stands out. UKUphrinta IKHADI LESITHOMBE NGOKWENZE Ukuphrinta Kwezithombe Ngokwezifiso + Uhlaka Lwesithombe Olunemiphetho Enhle Yesiliva / Igolide kungaba isipho esihle kobathandayo ngezikhathi ezikhethekile. Usayizi Wangokwezifiso Iphepha elinophawu lwe-300/350 gsm FSC Ukulethwa kweHong Kong Izindlela Zokukhokha Sicela uthumele isithombe kanye negama lomamukeli, ucingo. inombolo nekheli lokulethwa nge-imeyili kokuthi info@ phrinta c a r d s noma nge WhatsApp uma ungathanda uku-oda. Ngiyabonga. ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ukuphrinta ikhadi lokubingelela ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe esiyisicaba ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ikhadi lokubingelela ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta isithombe esiphansi ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ukuphrinta isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta ukuphrinta kwekhadi lesithombe esiyisicaba ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ukuphrinta ikhadi lokubingelela ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe esiyisicaba ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ikhadi lokubingelela ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta isithombe esiphansi ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ukuphrinta isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta ukuphrinta kwekhadi lesithombe esiyisicaba ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ukuphrinta ikhadi lokubingelela ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe esiyisicaba ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ikhadi lokubingelela ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta ukuphrinta kweflat isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta iflethi isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta flat isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta flat isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta flat isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta ukuphrinta isithombe flat ukuphrinta isithombe ikhadi ukuphrinta ukubingelela ikhadi ukuphrinta flat ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ikhadi lokubingelela ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe esiyisicaba ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe ukuphrinta ikhadi lokubingelela ukuphrinta ukuphrinta ikhadi lesithombe esiyisicaba ukuphrinta a